14/10/2020 – WUJA in diretta facebook

Il WUJA (World Union Jesuits Alumni) in diretta con un incontro a tema “refugees and migrants – global vision and concrete experience”

Dear Alumnus/a
In these times of pandemic, which is a long-lasting one, WUJA proposes to its members to continue the initiative launched before the summer: the “Jesuit Alumni Conversations” which make it possible to keep and often create the link between us.

Alain Deneef, president of WUJA, invites each time a Jesuit father and an Alumnus/a to discuss a theme of interest to Jesuit Alumni, allowing them to discover the Jesuit action in this field and to learn how they can be associated with it.

Our first appointment is on Wednesday, October 14 at 15:00 CET (Central European Time) with Tom Smolich (director of JRS International) and Miren Mendiluce (Alumna of Deusto University in Bilbao) who will talk about refugees and migrants, articulating global vision and concrete experience.

We invite you to join our Facebook group which will allow you to attend our debate live.

Please already notice our next appointments :

  1. Saturday 14 November at 16.00 CET : Discernment
    John Dardis sj – Counselor for Discernment and Planning
    Chris Miller – Alumnus of Santa Clara University (Santa Clara, CA – USA)
  2. Wednesday 9 December at 16.00 CET : Education
    Jose Mesa sj – Secretary for International Secondary Education (Educate Magis)
    Alumnus/a to be determined

Thank you and take care !

The WUJA Team

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